LD Assistant's 3D Solids |
You can duplicate the face of a 3D solid object using the copy option of the SOLIDEDIT command. The selected faces are copied as regions or bodies. |
Delete a Face
If you specify two points, the first point is used as a base point and a single copy is placed relative to the base point. If you specify a single point and press Enter, the original selection point is used as a base point. The next point is the point of displacement.
If a face is surrounded by coplanar faces, you can delete it using the following methods:
*Select the face and press Delete.
*Select the face and enter erase.
*Use the Delete option of the SOLIDEDIT command. |
Featured Rendering - by Kevin Denzel |
CAD Articles |
How to undo almost anything in AutoCAD by Ellen Finkelstein We all make mistakes, so we all need to undo tasks in AutoCAD. Here’s a list of ways to undo actions. Please leave a comment to add to this list. Let's not forget the OOPS command! The OOPS command brings back the last object or set of objects that you erased. You don't have to use OOPS right away; you can use it after you've other commands. The UNDO command Everyone knows about the UNDO and U commands. Let’s start with the U command. It undoes your last command (if possible–you can’t undo certain actions such as saving and printing). You can also find it on the Quick Access toolbar. Finally, you can do what most people do — press Ctrl+Z. But many people don’t know about UNDO’s options. If you type undo on the command line, you see this prompt: Click here to keep reading |
How to prevent explode on a block reference? By - Gopinath Taget
The EXPLODE command works on a Block reference by deepcloning the contents of the referenced block in kDcExplode context, and finally erasing the block reference itself. So, one solution to prevent explode is to exclude the block's contents from deepClone operation and un-erase the block reference after the explode command ends. A similar approach could be found in this blog post. By modifying the code in that blog post, we can disable EXPLODE command for block references (sample attached). The sample code below works as follows:
1. Issue DISABLEEXPLODE command. This will ask you to select block references you want to prevent exploding. The referenced blocks are then iterated, and the IDs of contents of the block are remembered in a list. Click here for video |
Do You Miss the Classics (Dialog Boxes)? by Sherry Pittman, IMAGINiT Technologies
For those of you upgrading to the newer releases of AutoCAD based products, you may be missing some of the dialog boxes you are used to seeing in older releases. Since Autocad has switched to the ribbon format, the tools look different than they did previously. You can switch your workspace to Classic AutoCAD, but even then, some things just don't look the same using the same commands you have in the past. For example the Hatch command. Click here to keep reading |
You can visualize your DWG files also on your mobile device now by Català - Castellano - Deutsch I wrote back in 2011 about the official launch of AutoCAD WS (what had been called on Autodesk Labs Project Butterfly). At that time I actually had no smartphone and the Ipad and similar tablets where not as common as they are right now. So when I talked about the use I was giving to it and the potential I saw, I have to admit I didn't foresee that the main use could be to view files on site with your mobile devices. ANd I think this is actually one of it main uses today.
I was asked today at a lunch party by a friend who also works in the AEC Industry: How can I see AutoCAD files on my IPad when I go on site? The answer was simple.... Click here to keep reading |
AutoCAD WS: Moving Forward by Scott Moyse, AUGI Library
Early in 2012 I was wondering where Autodesk were going with two very similar products: Design Review Mobile and AutoCAD® WS. At the time, their functionality and real-world use cases were extremely similar, so I decided to have a good look at it and write a two-part blog series on the differences between the two. This led to two things:
1. Sandy Yu (Autodesk 360 Product Manager) contacted me and asked if I would be interested in testing Autodesk 360 mobile prior to its release. That led to the Design & Motion Blog post and an AUGI article reviewing the App.
2. I got contacted by the @AutoCAD_WS twitter account asking if I would be interested in interviewing an AutoCAD WS product manager about the product. So here we are. I set up an interview with one of the AutoCAD WS Product Managers, Ilai Rotbaein who works for Autodesk from Israel. Pretty cool! So let's get cracking. Click here to keep reading |
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Rufus W Warren III Editor |